OLG Issues Q3 Gaming Revenue Payment to Township

Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation provided a payment of $62,118 (OLG) last month as its third quarter payment to the municipality for hosting Shorelines Slots at Kawartha Downs. So far, during OLG’s fiscal year (April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025), Cavan Monaghan has received $234,901. Since the gaming site opened in November 1999, Cavan Monaghan has received $61,933,236.

These payments to host communities are based on a formula consistently applied across all gaming sites in Ontario using a graduated scale of gaming revenue at the hosted site.  The proceeds of casino gaming distributed to local communities contributes to economic development including infrastructure and job creation. All of OLG profits are reinvested within the province.  Since 1994, host communities have received more than $2.2 billion in non-tax gaming revenue from this source.

The success of these gaming sites has stimulated more than $2.5 billion in private sector capital investment in the province in the last eight years and have contributed to the development of seven new casinos, one large scale resort development, numerous gaming floor expansions and new non-gaming amenities.

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