New Vet Joins Peterborough West Animal Hospital

Photo Karen Graham
Dr. Alexis Smith enjoys working with companion animals at Peterborough West Animal Hospital.

After her graduation from Veterinary school in Edinburgh, Scotland, Alexis’ family is glad she is moving closer to her family home in Caledon.

Alexis grew up on the family farm where her family bred horses.   She shares a love of animals with her older sister who is also a vet trained at the Veterinary College of Ontario in Guelph.  Between helping out at home and working at local vet clinics, Alexis had an extensive resume when applying for professional training.  Her move to Edinburgh saved her several years of schooling as she was able to by-pass Ontario’s undergraduate training prerequisite and head straight in to her professional training.

Her five year Veterinary Medicine program in Scotland included more practical work as well.  She spent 26 weeks of clinical placements in a variety of real-life situations in other clinics, extending her exposure to different animals and issues which broadened her knowledge and also confirmed her interest in treating companion animals.

After a year in Cornwall, Alexis found an opening at Peterborough West Animal Hospital where she found kindred spirits amongst their compassionate health care team.  In late August she joined their staff, and is eager to share her expertise and further develop her special interests include the human-animal bond, dermatology, and internal medicine.  Welcome, Alexis!   KG


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