Council Awards Concept and Design Contract for Remaining CMCC Land and Downtown Park

At this week’s Council meeting, Council approved Landscape Planning Limited with the contracted for the development of a concept design and site plan for two of the most significant recreational properties targeted for redevelopment in the Vision 2035 Strategic plan for Parks and Recreation in the township: the downtown park and the remaining recreational land behind the community centre.  Landscape Planning was one of ten applicants for the contract, and was selected following an extensive review and evaluation based on criteria which included relevant experience, proposed timelines and costs.  This contract is valued at $46, 745 which is below the $70,000 allocated for this project in the 2024 Parks and Recreation Capital Budget.  Landscape Planning Limited have been, or are currently engaged in some of the largest Municipal Park projects in Southwestern Ontario. Many of these projects have included detailed design and build out phases following a master plan phase.

In order to develop a design, the contractor will work collaboratively with the community, connecting with stakeholders and the community at large.  The Concept Designs and Site Plans will identify key priorities including projected costs of the projects and will be presented to Council for consideration.  The project is expected to begin in July with completion expected in December.  KG

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