Community Garden Seeks Volunteers

A dedicated group of volunteers work tirelessly caring for the central flower garden at the community garden. A core group of four gardeners, Wendy Olsen, Edith Steinbeck, Carol Alexander and Jane Zednick have been transforming it for the past five years. There are still some other overgrown sections they would like to see also transformed. In order to do this, the call is out for another couple of volunteers to join this crew. The plan this year is to tackle these neglected sections which will need a lot of digging and weed removal as a first step. This garden challenge will likely happen in the fall. Anyone interested in sparing a few hours a month to join the Fabulous Foursome crew and help to enjance the community garden are asked to contact the Communications Coordinator of the Millbrook Garden Club, Ruth Benns, at
In addition to providing a community service, working with this experienced group will clearly enhance new volunteers’ gardening expertise through osmosis.

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