Community Care Celebrates Canada

Baxter Creek Golf Club hosted this year’s Community Care annual meeting featuring a birthday theme celebrating Canada’s 150th year last month and was opened with a rendition the national anthem delivered by Marion Guthrie and Millie Lunn.

Mayor McFadden was on hand to greet the crowd of more than 100 volunteers, clients, staff and well-wishers, and commended the organization for fostering an atmosphere of respect, support and social inclusion in our community. He noted the challenges faced by seniors with the upcoming departure of our local bank branch, and offered township support to alleviate the problems this will create.

Volunteers were recognized with the presentation of Service awards. Volunteers Jocelyn Aubrey, Timmi Brady, Candace Bronatzky, Greg Brown, George Corfe, Kathe Groen, Millie Lunn, Brenda McGeoghan and Kim Pelino have earned a two year award; Susan Streefland earned a five year award while Clem Hassell received a ten year award.

The meeting concluded with a presentation by Trent University Education student Lucas Delucca entitled “Live and Let Live” which provided a brief look into the history of entertainment in Millbrook. A graduate of Cultural Studies and Politics, Delucca is now preparing for a career in education. Based on his presentation one might suspect he would prefer a career in entertainment should that be available. 4th Line Theatre founder Robert Winslow was one of Delucca’s professors in his undergraduate programme at Trent, and the connection led Delucca to several summers at the theatre where he assumed several acting roles. Using slides depicting historical events and local locations, the crowd caught a glimpse of some of the remarkable cultural events of days long gone. Encouraging audience participation, the prospective teacher distributed copies of old photos of King Street which those at each table were challenged to put into chronological order.

Consistent with the historical theme, the Millbrook Historical Society prepared displays of local artifacts and Peter Ramsay presented an obscure historical item for the crowd to identify. Presentations were followed by cake and light refreshments and guests were allowed the opportunity to socialize with friends and neighbours. After a long, dreary winter, it was clear from the warm greetings shared that the group was delighted to be out socializing with new and old friends. KG

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