COMMENT – May 2020

An Attitude of Gratitude

As we all know the Coronavirus has launched a reign of terror infecting hundreds of thousands globally.  At first, the Coronavirus was something in the back of our minds, a distinct thing happening across the world, and now within two weeks things have escalated greatly.  On Wednesday March 11 the virus was declared a pandemic, and it is affecting everyone.  People are losing jobs, family members and even just the little things like going out with friends or family, or even going out to get groceries.  You really take things for granted when you are able to things like playing sports, ME TO WE, going to school every day, being out of the house. They could be gone in the blink of an eye.

I have always been thankful for what I have because I know there are people who have much less, so I am thankful for even having food and a roof over my head while this is happening. Graduating from Grade 8, as I am, or Grade 12, only happens once, and it’s unlikely we will have a graduation event. Although it’s unfortunate, isolation could be expected to go on till June or July, all we can do is stay safe, stay home and stay healthy.  If you are still living your life just think the 13-year-old writing this knows better than to put my family in danger and drag this on longer by going to get coffee or visiting other people.  Stay at home and stay safe.

By Miya Bonnell, Gr. 8, Millbrook South Cavan Public School


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