We lose some, we win some

“Let’s go blue! Let’s go white! Come on Millbrook fight, fight, fight!”

Our Jr mixed volleyball recreational team went 1 and 3 at Kenner. They did really well but the other teams were very good to beat our mighty Hawks. But in the last game our team played extremely hard and won their first game. Everybody jumped off the bench and were so excited and so proud of them.

The coach, Mrs. Armstrong, was very pleased with the student’s efforts and enthusiasm. They improved their skills throughout the day and winning the final game was the highlight of the day. Two highlights of the tournament were when Ryan Pillman made a diving bump to the ball over the net for the point. And the second highlight of the tournament is when Thomas Ford made four serves in a row to win the last game in the tournament and then the tournament ended.

By Ryan Pillman, Newspaper Club Member


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