Pontypool Celebration Honours Canadian War Brides

Last month the Manvers Historical Society hosted a reunion for local war brides to celebrate their contribution to the country.  Thirteen women and a husband representing his hospitalized wife attended from across the province.  Many brides bore familiar local names including Tinney, De Mille, Leahy, Condon, Robertson and Lash.  Ranging… Continue reading

Millbrook South Cavan Principal Retires

She may be sitting in her office in the photo, but that is not where Millbrook/South Cavan principal Sheryl Hunter spends her workday.   She can be found in the schoolyard during recess, in the halls speaking to students or filling in on Tupper Street for an absent crossing guard.  Students… Continue reading

From the Sock Drawer to the Shelves of Chapters: Catherine Cerveny Writes

It takes a lifetime to write your first book and six months to write the second, so the story goes.  For Catherine Cerveny, that will also be true for her third. A self-professed nerd, Catherine has been writing all her life, and has a sock drawer full of unfinished stories… Continue reading

Kim Turney Introduces Trendy Handbag Style to Peterborough Area

It’s not like Kim had nothing else to do.  A real estate agent in the Cavan Monaghan area is not sitting around in this real estate market.  Her daughter Carla introduced Kim to this sassy young Canadian company founded by Natalie Dusome, a young mother looking to build a business… Continue reading

Marie Stevens Opens Your Eyes with Makeup Techniques

Marie has always had style.  Tall and striking, she can slip her hair into a pony tail, don a pair of big sunglasses and a sun hat and look like she belongs on a fashion cover.  Now she is building a home business using her skills to make others look… Continue reading

One Look at Saturn and I was Hooked for Life

As we read a column each month, we learn a little bit about the writer.  Sometimes we would like to learn more, so this is the first of a series about the people who generously share their ideas and knowledge with us every month.  We start with John Crossen, Astronomy… Continue reading

Building a Different Kind of Bank for the Future

  You might call it an occupational hazard, but these days everywhere she looks, Melissa Spearing sees seeds.  The obsession has been known to have her stop at the side of the road to take samples or photographs.  Her interests don’t stop at seeds, either.  She has even stopped at… Continue reading

Board appoints Dr. Jennifer Leclerc new director of education

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board is very pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jennifer Leclerc as the board’s new Director of Education. Leclerc has served as Superintendent of Education: Teaching and Learning since joining the Board in January 2010. “Jennifer is an accomplished educator and provincial leader… Continue reading

Local Business Offers Small Businesses Administrative Services

Entrepreneurs are known to have a passion for their business, exhibiting creativity and commitment to pursuing their dreams and building their brand.  This passion rarely extends to bookkeeping and other administrative tasks, which can be the antithesis of exciting and creative, but are the key to a long term success…. Continue reading