Letters to the Editor from the BIA

It is always with mixed feelings that we welcome the month of December. Excitement because of the all the festivities happening at this time as well as taking the time to reminisce over this year that will soon be coming to an end.

The BIA Executive would like to take this opportunity to offer our heartfelt thanks to every volunteer who found it in their hearts to offer their time and talents to the many committees that we find within our BIA as well as our community. Millbrook is the “Village in the Valley” but it is also a “Village of Volunteers”.

Over the past year we have seen so many changes to our downtown. We have experienced both the upset of loss of some businesses and the delight of the new as well as changes in ownership for both business and buildings.

This little village will be growing in numbers and we can only hope that the new members of our community will discover what Millbrook has to offer them locally.

Remembering to shop local is what keeps small businesses in small communities like Millbrook thriving.  Your continued support of all the Millbrook businesses is greatly appreciated.

Enjoy this last month of 2017,

Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year.

Millbrook BIA Executive.



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