Community Centre Project to be Tendered

In an attempt to expedite the construction of the Community Centre, last month Council considered moving directly into the planning stage with MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects (MJMA) for the design and construction of this project.  This firm is building a facility in North Kawartha similar to the one the township is considering and it was thought that by making minimal changes to their existing plan, the township could realize significant cost savings and could possibly have the facility operating as early as 2018.  This process referred to as single source procurement, by-passes the normal tendering steps normally followed by government when securing goods and services.  Prior to proceeding, Council sought legal advice on the advisability of this option.  Given the nature of the project, legal advisers recommended that Council proceed with a competitive bid process to secure the design and building services for this facility.

Council authorized staff to proceed with the development of a Request for Proposal for the design and construction of a new Community Centre for a maximum cost of $15,000,000. KG

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