April Fool’s Day, an Interesting Day for Easter Sunday


St. Paul talks about being fools for Christ. Believing in the resurrection of Jesus is certainly considered foolish by some people. Even more foolish I suppose is my belief that Jesus still lives today. I don’t mind being foolish. I do believe that God calls us to be the hands and feet of Christ, to be Christ alive and well in this world. We have three different understandings of God. God the Creator, the beginning of all things, the parent of all of us in some way. I don’t know exactly how that works. I just know in my heart that God is the source of creation. A leap of faith like that is foolish by today’s standards. Yet I really don’t care. I believe it.

I believe that Jesus rose from the dead 2000 years ago. When Mary went to the tomb, he wasn’t lying there dead, wrapped in a shroud, his body badly mutilated by his crucifixion. He was alive and well, able to talk with her. I’m sure that also is foolish by today’s standards. Yet I believe it. I know that Jesus is alive and well today because I believe in the Holy Spirit, that part of God that lives in each one of us. I have experienced that Holy Spirit often. How do I explain to you what I mean? Over and over again I have experienced the presence of Jesus in others . I have seen his goodness, his joy, his compassion shine through friends and strangers alike. Yes, I believe in the Holy Spirit. If that makes me foolish, that’s okay.

I find the story of Jesus’ arrest and death troubling. I know we are capable of such inhumane cruelty. I know fear and greed for power will lead people to do the most horrible things. That’s why I’m grateful for the story of Jesus’ resurrection. It’s a story of good conquering evil. My faith tells me that God will not be defeated. There is nothing that I or anyone else can do that God cannot overcome. If that is foolish in another person’s eyes, that’s okay.

For me, my faith gives me strength and courage. Every time I face a tough decision, I can trust that God can bring something good out of it. Every time I’m afraid, I can trust that God’s Holy Spirit is within me holding my hand. Every time I make a mistake, or sin by commission or omission, I can trust that God’s forgiveness is waiting for me to change my ways and begin again. There is new life for all of us.

I can be a fool for Christ. I can love the unlovable. I can forgive the hurt that others cause within me. With God, I can be so much more than when I walk this road of life alone. With God, I can be foolish enough to be the best I can be.

Yes, I think Easter on April Fool’s Day is just great. Let’s celebrate the foolishness of faith. Let’s have a party for Jesus this Easter.

By Rev. Janet Stobie

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